Golden Radiance Village




Our Mission

Golden Radiance Village is dedicated to ensuring the holistic well-being of Melanated Mothers throughout their maternal journey and all major life transitions. We do so by offering family-centered care as we connect melanated families with professionals and communities that honor their entire existence. Our commitment to addressing the disparities in maternal health outcomes is provided through comprehensive support, education, advocacy, and collective artistic experiences of joy.

What We Offer

Meet with us weekly to create a brave space to unwind, discuss a range of topics and share tools to thrive as melanated parents. Sign up by clicking this link below:

Melanated Mama Support Group Sign Up

Village Building and Community Connection

Centering joy in our journey as we heal and grow collectivley. Join us for Bring them Kids activities, Mama Meets Ups and Community Gatherings.

One on One Self-Preservation Tools and Practices 

We got the tools, you got the sauce... now let's create a space for you to implement your recipe for energetic healing. 

Circle of Care Provider Connection

We deserve holistic human-centered care. Allow us to connect you to care providers who hear you, see you and honor you. 


Standing in alliance, we support melanated mamas, mamas-to-be, and their families by advocating for policies and laws to honor our entire existence.

Where Village Building Begins…

Upcoming events.

🌟 Join us for Golden Radiance Village's Maternal Health Hub on August 24th! 🌟

Come and be a part of an empowering day dedicated to maternal health and well-being. We welcome you to come connect with doulas/birthworkers, participate our fun family-friendly activities, and build a supportive community.